I remember the month before coming to Korea. I was living in shanghai in a big house with nice Korean, American, Chinese friends in school. I was packing all my cloths ready to ship to Korea. In school I didn’t tell all of my friends that I was leaving because am not very good of saying goodbyes. Then the last day finally came I slept in 9PM because we had to leave in 4:30 in the morning. I woke up at 4 AM by the help of my alarm. I though my dad was coming with us but he said he is going to stay until January 1st.
We took the plane and finally arrived were very happy to come back to Korea in 5 years. I was very happy to meet by cousins. After about a month me, my mom was done cleaning and organizing our new house when the Corona Virus had come to the earth. I wasn’t able to go to school properly and meet new friends.
Then after all of those incidents 2021 finally came. Me my friends and parents are looking forward to meet one day without wearing masks and planning to have a big sleepover and going to school when we find the vaccines.

Where did you live? Can yuo like speak chinese???
I didn't know you lived in Shang=Hai!!!! It is cool!!!!