She is SOOOOOO cute
She likes to play with my feet.
What I mean in number 2, she BITES
She likes to chase feet so one day, I was walking and I didn't see Louis and I accidentally kicked her when I raised one foot to step.
She likes her blue starfish doll toy.
I needed to sacrifice my small blanket to her.
But I don't mind 6...😊
Her teeth: so small!!
Number 9 means NOW, when I am writing my blog post and she is sleeping 5 meters away^^
Oh she just woke up and sneezed
She got a coldToT
And it is barely a week she came here!
She JUST escaped her cage!
I don't know how she did that...
Oh there was a crack between the two cage pieces
I looked, and she was sniffing the audio!!
She was out, so I put her in again.
You might wonder "WHY IS A FEMALE NAMED LOUIS(LOUI)??"
Reason to 19: I didn't expect a female; We thought she was a male.
20, the shop didn't swindle, they told us when we saw Louis!!
I went out yesterday to buy her a toy, and she LOVES it.
I mentioned at 12-13, that Louis has a cold ToT
She has her medicine every 2 meals out of 4 meals.
This means she is small, so she needs to eat 4 meals a day.
She is adorable.
She is cute.
When you look at her sleeping for too long, you can faint of cuteness😊

Louis is sooo cute! But is she having a cold? Oh no!
AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH (sound of Violet fainting) Hey Louis!!!!!Save me!!
AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH That is the cutest dog I've ever seen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and Louis had a cold?
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! (Squat)(The sound of me fainting of cuteness)(Whew woke up) SHE IS SO CUTE OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!