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The stories of PT1 episode -1(minus)

Writer: eugeniushureugeniushur

I was wondering what to write for like 10 mins, (literally 10 mins!!!), but I didn't know, so I decided to try making my last blog post into a story or something.

(PS: I exaggerated A LOT)

this was my last blog (just for people (including me)to be easier to see)↓↓

Also, I erased some of the stuff that was at the way bottom, since it is nonsense(stuff about mint chocolate and Grammarly)

  1. Everybody is banging their chairs apart.

  2. Sophia knows the Cookierun Kingdom! (Everybody! Give a 5-star review 2 the game so that my dad's company will earn more money!! (ok just kidding)

  3. Everybody became tall

  4. Violet is tall

  5. Anne is tall

  6. I'm not tall😥

  7. Mr. Patrick thinks we are tiny because he's tallER(kkk)

  8. There are 2 new students(YAY)

  9. If Anna (the old Anna) was still here, it would have been Anna, Anna, Anne in the Anne Frank class(kk)

  10. I read 0 Cinder (actually I read till chap. 12) and I have to read till chapter 29!!!!!!

  11. There was an Edge test EXACTLY starting from the unit I didn't do

  12. Rachel and Seoin have a Mi band.

  13. So I bought a Mi band, too.

  14. Rachel told me how to change the background in the Mi band.

  15. Mr. Patrick's classroom changed!! (OMG)

  16. We are not supposed to touch the hat.

  17. We are not supposed to go to the secret passageway that leads to Hogsme-I mean the next classroom.

  18. the Taboo thing was fun🙂

  19. I got to do the timer person!! (hehe)

Title: The stories of PT1 episode -1 (it's not - ←this thing 1, it's minus 1 kkk)

Eugene was packing her bag so that she can FINALLY go to PEAI. She thought that everybody already met each other offline when she wasn't there, but it turned out they didn't, so it was nice :). Anyways, she was packing her bag, when Seoin messaged Eugene. However, she was packing so intensively, that she couldn't see the message. (PS: this is definitely not an excuse that I couldn't answer^^)

So about 20~30 mins later, they were at EH tower and were going up, when there was a loud CRASH coming suspiciously from Mr. Patrick's new classroom. When Eugene opened the door with an ax, (the Tower vibrated so much so it was impossible to open it with your hand).

When they went in, everyone was crashing their chairs together! There were small bits of woo...(wait. the chairs aren't made out of wood (˘・_・˘)) chair pieces on the floor. Then, Sophia started to sing the Cookierun Kingdom song!! Eugene was very happy because her dad works at that company, which means she was playing his company's game, which means the company will earn more money, which meant that our... I mean her family will be rich!!!!

Anyways, Eugene chatted merrily to people, except for people (a.k.a Rachel and Seoin people) who were studying. Eugene saw Anne came in. She fainted when she looked at her. 1 second later, she woke up and yelled "AAHHH ANNE IS SOOOOOOO TALLL%#&(&#*(&" and became a monkey(?) and flapped her arms around and around. A few mins later, Violet came in. Eugene did the same thing she did before.

Then, Mr. Patrick came in. He said 'Hi guys!' and went out. Later, he came in again. He said "Wow! You guys are so tall! Violet and Anne are so tall! It didn't feel like in zoom, because Violet's more than half of the screen was the ceiling!"

AND THEN, he said "Actually, you guys are not tall!! mmmua haa haa haa!!!"

AND THEN, he had " Ok. I'm just kidding. I feel that you guys are not tall, because I'm tall."

It was confusing.

(WARNING: the story and the conclusion are VERY different!!)

To conclude, I have written a story about our class after a long time of online classes. In my (onion(?)) opinion, Covid-19 causing online classes is a greatly hard problem to endure, and I wish that the pandemic will end quickly.


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I have no idea what you guys are all doing except for a few people… can you guys all write in the comments what class you are in right...

Hi wix

(lol visited almost by 2 years this site is dead OoO) hiii i am studying grammar for class byeeee


Sarah Go
Sarah Go
Nov 03, 2021

Uhh Can u add Sarah to the (Who was small but became a BIT more)tall list

I grew 0.3cms

Jan 13, 2022
Replying to

oh sorry

I wrote the people that Mr. P said "why are you guyzz so tall!", not a list of people that I think is tall (which is the reason I didn't add every people exept for me in it kkk)

didn't mean to insult you kk and I know I insulted you because I saw the comment the NEXT YEAR ahhh Im soo lazy


Oct 19, 2021

I was pretty astounded at PEAI when you said your dad made cookie run. Because... my sister LOVES that game!!!!!!!!!!!! I searched cookierun in google and there's a site and the cookies are just so cute!!!!!!!!111 AND Is that why u named ur rabbit cookie??

Nov 03, 2021
Replying to

sry i have tupose because its ipaf


Sarah Go
Sarah Go
Oct 19, 2021


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