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A poem ***NOT HOMEWORK***

Writer: Seoin LimSeoin Lim

Hi Everyone! Today I’m going to write a poem. I hope Poems are non-fiction… I didn’t write poems recently, so… here I am! (P.S. this blog will be short)

<Dear Nature>

Seoin Lim

Dear Nature,

I must tell you the truth

The truth of ourselves

No, no, we are not lying

Although we always did in the past

Dear Animals,

It is us who killed your friends

It is us who broke the peace

It is us who killed your family

It is all by us.

Dear trees,

We are those who cut your healthy bodies

We are those who used them in inappropriate ways

We are those who broke you all apart

When we were always looking for you to help us

Dear all Earth’s lovely flowers,

When your soft pedals were removed

When your beautiful smiles vanished

And turned to significant horror

It was us who did all these

Dear grasses,

Dear soils,

Dear insects,

Dear air,

Dear Nature,

When you gave all your content,

When you gave beautiful flowers,

When you gave your sturdy tree trunks,

When you have your important families,

Oh, it was all us!

It was us when we used your gifts!

It was us who stepped onto your flowers!

It was us who burned the tree trunks!

It was us to kill the families!

For all you know we are Earth’s conquerors,

For all you know we are strong warriors,

For all you know we are soft creatures,

For all you know we are happy children waiting for your help,

For all, yes, for all you know we are your helpers!

Indeed, we are Earth’s conquerors,

Indeed, we are strong animals,

Indeed, we are Earth’s creatures,

Indeed, we are children of yours who planned betrayal,

Indeed, some are your helpers!

But no, we are not kind conquerors!

No, we are not warriors risking our lives to help!

We are not soft creatures!

We are not “happy” children at your service!

We have never helped you!

For you did not know what we all did

We have betrayed all of you

We have killed the soft creatures

We have burned, cut, broken all the trees

We have done more harm than you can imagine!

Mother nature,

How motherly you are!

How you gave everything!

How you risked your life

To feed, save us!

But I must confirm this

This unbelievable truth

This heart-breaking reality

This tragic news

That we were smart

That we were betrayers

That we were evil

That we have abandoned you

And once and for all,

You cannot help us

For we have harmed ourselves

For we have betrayed ourselves

For we were not smart!

We did not plan well!

We have killed ourselves,

And we know that you cannot help us

Because you are now dead.

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I have no idea what you guys are all doing except for a few people… can you guys all write in the comments what class you are in right...

Hi wix

(lol visited almost by 2 years this site is dead OoO) hiii i am studying grammar for class byeeee

5 comentarios

07 nov 2021

ok. first, THIS IS NOT SHORT!! second, I have no idea why this is not homework. third, this poem is berry berry (Seoin language) good!!!

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13 ene 2022
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kkk I'm soo lazy (?)

I saw the reply now kkk

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