Now, we are starting a project named “Utopia”
Because of it, I saw Zootopia, a movie that has similar backgrounds.
First, Zootopia is a movie where there are animals who are living as normal when suddenly some problem happens and how the main character, Judy, eliminates it.
I like Zootopia because it has many interesting subjects. Usually, movies or fictions start with a perfect life, when suddenly a villain comes and the main character catches him or her as the story finishes.
It looks like a similar summary with Zootopia, but isn’t. Zootopia has some reversals because first the fox wasn’t infected by the medicine, second the lamb was the total villain.
MY favorite character in Zootopia is actually the gazzele

The song “Try Everything” which was sung by the gazzele singer was the reason I like her since the lyrics in the song have many meanings.
I messed up tonight
I lost another fight
Lost to myself, but I'll just start again
I keep falling down
I keep on hitting the ground
But I always get up now to see what's next
Birds don't just fly
They fall down and get up
Nobody learns without getting it wrong
These are the lyrics I like the most. When I explain this, this song summarizes the whole movie. BY telling Judy was not the police the others wanted.
The lyrics are full of rhythm and also, it has many meanings which was the greatest thing I saw in the movie.
I watched Zootopia like 4 times when I was little~ It's fun!
I like Zootopia too!