Today, I will tell you how much PT1 is awesome.
First, unlike every other class, we do zoom after class. When we used to do zoom because of Covid-19, we ALWAYS used to do zoom at Seoin’s room after class.
We usually did Mafia or Liar game, and if there was a project or team homework, we did the homework together. It is really fun, since we all get to act if we are the citizens and make up messages.
Second, we make tons of google documents. This might be for many classes, but I think we would rank the most. We have files like “Chats for PT1”, “Yearbook file”, “PT1 student’s color”, “Game place”, “Nicknames”, and “PT1 Gmail” and SOOOOOOOO much more. If you go into, finding my homework file is finding a needle in a haystack! (Literally!!!).
Third, we have a lot of apps that we use a lot.
Number ONE. It is It is like “Kakaotalk”, but you don’t need a smartphone! And you only need a gmail address, which you all do!!! You have free emojis like pudding, rabbit, robot, and so much more!!!! Number TWO. It is We learned it in class, but we use it more. Like when we create yearbooks and scribble canvas. You can also change teams and out a song in it! Number THREE. It is It is a site that makes jeopardy. This is quite a secret, but Mr. Michael from 4th grade also used this site to make our history(boo) jeopardy. Number FOUR. It is Don’t you see the familiar name “Violet Kang” in there? It is because Violet created this padlet. It is about chatting and it is crazy there.
Today, I told you about PT1. Thank you for reading about us~~~

I totally agree with you! Awesomw P!T!1!!!!