Hello, um... I wanted to tell you about baseball but I realized that no one wants me writing "San Diego blah blah Padres blah blah" so I'll just write about what's happening in the world right now.
America had been ruling Afghanistan and had kicked out the Talibans, who had ruled Afghanistan before America. This started since the 9/11 attacks.
Recently, after a long long time of the rule of America, President Biden finally said that it will be okay for America to stop ruling since they had helped the Afghanistan Government a lot until now.
Well, to tell the truth, NO. ABSOLUTELY NO. What happened is that even before the American soldiers all went out, the Taliban, who were hiding in some forest all along, came back! Even before American soldiers came back to America.
American Government said that it will be okay since they gave the Afghanistan Government a lot of good weapons, and the Taliban's weapons weren't very new.
But guess what? The Americans were wrong again. Even before the Talibans shooted one time, the Afghanistan Soldiers with great weapons just pleaded to save them! Like:
"Oh, please save us! We don't even want to get scratched just a little bit! We will give you all our good weapons, so please save us!"
And the Talibans agreed. They were just like, "lalalala" and went in the city, and then after a second, every soldier will come to the Talibans and give them the weapon and run for their lives. Well, it's good to get their life, but THEY ARE SOLDIERS! Soldiers fight. Soldiers are risking their lives, but still, they are happy to service the country. And... Afghanistan Soldiers are almost just... people? Maybe not just people but mean people.
Anyways, so they thought that the Talibans will just say,
"Okay! American people, just go to your country and never come back!".
But guess what? It wasn't! They were revenging! The Talibans put bombs!
So, 13 American people died and at least 90 Afghans(don't know why the Talibans killed their country people) died too.
Recently, America came for revenge for the revenge. They actually used a drone to target a Afghan person that worked for the Talibans and then killed them by the drone! Wow! I mean, I personally do not like the Talibans. They are these people who kill without regret.
But honestly, this time, the Americans did something wrong. Well, they have been ruling Afghanistan from the 9/11 attack. They should've helped Afghanistan somehow. Turns out that the 20 years of ruling were nothing. They gave Afghanistan $145 billion. That's a lot of money! The $145 Billion became nothing, and Taliban rules again. The only success that America got was killing Osama Bin Laden, who was leaded the 9/11 attacks.
Here is the photo of the Talibans:

Here is the photo of Osama Bin Laden:

(looks friendly but is not)