Our school had a class president from 2nd grade.
So I did the class president in 2nd grade, 3rd grade, and 5th grade, which is now.
I did my speech calmly.
Not to brag, but I think I am good at this class president speech thingy^^
I did my speech similar like this.
Hello I am Sarah Go
First, I will make a miny library that you can put in books you want to give or don't read anymore.
So I made it! It looks like the picture.
I really loved it when I first made it.
I put two books and a notebook(Accountbook) and brought it to school.
It is still 3 days since I brought it to school(ㅠ) and now it has 3 books in it and 2 names in the account book.
But still, there is a lot of time before the time of the fresh, good 5th graaaaaaaade ends, and so I hope they will use this more frequently.
How to write a good class president speech
NEVER talk about Covid 19, it makes people boring
A third reason is not required, but you can. But try to do up to number two. Only one is not very convincible.
Make the reason a bit fun, and make the people LIKE your reason.
Give the point(loudly) at the start and the end
Hello, I am ______
An interesting question
Why is the question's answer this?
Like this, I'll be a _____ class president like this.
If I be the C.P, I will first, __________________
Background info about how you will do it and why does this help
Second, _______________
Repeat number 6
Third (Not nessesary, you don't need a three if you don't want to, but I prefer you doing up to 2), ________________
Repeat number 6
Like this, I will be a C.P. like a __________________
Thank you for listening and please vote me!

I got class president at 3rd, and 5th!!!
P.S I did my speech like
Hello I am Sophia Lee
If I become class president
Thank you for listening my speech!
That's pretty interesting
Hmm.. maybe that's the reason why I got vice-class president... I'll try it on 6th grade