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Debate Competition


So yesterday was the debate competition. Today is Sunday, it is break time at my Korean Academy zoom class.

So basically, it is a tournament.

We battled with:

Round 1: Arguably the Best

Round 2: LFL

Round 3: NO NAME

Round 1: Motion: THW ban the use of fossil fuels in South Korea by 2030.



PM: Rachel DPM: Anne Whip: Sophia Reply: Seoin


LO: Lily DLO: Juhan Whip: Jua Reply: Sarah (Jang) Sit-out: Chloe

We won by 2 points, 240: 238

Round 2: Motion: THBT tablets are better than textbooks for 5th grade classrooms.


PM: Clare DPM: Juan Whip: YG Reply: Jenny Sit-out: Eloise

LO: Seoin DLO: Sophia Whip: Anne Reply: Rachel

Round 3: THW ban mandatory military services in South Korea.

PM: Anne DPM: Sophia Whip: Rachel Reply: Seoin

LO: Ryan DLO: Sihoo Whip: Joyce Reply: Roy The girl in the corner (She said to never forget her!): Stella

Lily, Juhan, Jua, Sarah J, and Chloe weren’t that loud. The only thing that I thought “different” was that the LO does 1 argument and DLO does 2 arguments. “DIFFERENT”, a lot.

Clare, Juan, YG, Jenny, and Eloise were also good. But they were loud. YG just danced and tried to disturb us during preparation time. But he did not do badly in the debate :) Juan was searching for Carrots, Cupcakes, and Spinach instead of Tablets, textbooks and 5th grade things.

Ryan, Sihoo, Joyce, Roy and Stella were good at debating. I can understand that they are kind of a “Vivid” and “Energetic” Debater. (With Quotation marks) When the judge was trying to figure out the verdict, they fought and were literally… noisy. Literally they pretended that Stella is Sihoo and Sihoo is Stella so they said they ripped their pants and painted their clothes. Stella (When she pretended to be Sihoo) said (joked) that “Sihoo” got glasses because he watched so much Youtube. They got others’ computers and stole them and put them out of the classroom. I think they were literally out of their minds, like why do they even steal other’s mechanical pencils, computers, and I-Pads?

Anyways, I liked the debate competition!

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I have no idea what you guys are all doing except for a few people… can you guys all write in the comments what class you are in right...

Hi wix

(lol visited almost by 2 years this site is dead OoO) hiii i am studying grammar for class byeeee

1 Comment

Seoin Lim
Seoin Lim
Sep 26, 2021

Yeah, everyone great job!

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