1. Difference between an Alligator and a Crocodile
First, an alligator and a crocodile is...... Almost the same animals with different names. Anyways, an alligator's eyes are... more close. And a crocodile is more big. Also, their jaws are a bit more pointy and a bit more smooth.

Difference between a Raven and a Crow
First, a raven is more big. In Korean, a crow is a 'crow'. A raven is a 'big crow'. Also, their tails are different too. A crow's is more circle-like, and a raven's is more pointy. I think a raven is more blueish purplish black and a crow is just grayish black.

Difference between a Rachel and a Hare
First, a rabbit is much smaller. When you search "Difference between rabbit and hare", you find a picture of a rabbit and a hare, and the hare is about 2 TIMES bigger than the rabbit!!!

Difference between Chocolate cookie and a Chocolate chip cookie
First, a chocolate cookie is made out of chocolate dough. It is usually brown. But a chocolate chip cookie is usually just dough color with few chocolate chips on it.

Difference between burgundy and maroon
Umm... I don't really know.


...... They are literally the same. But I know one.
Burgundy: Little Red Riding Hood's cloak that she accidentally spilled coffee
Maroon: Cheers to the wish you were here but you're not, And the drinks bring back all the drunk driving~ And the memories bring back memories bring back DEATH
I thought at first that the lyrics were really about drunk driving
Rabbit-why is it my discord profile pic?
<The difference between a rabbit and a hare>
Rabbit is a person and hare is an animal!!kkk