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The roots of the Anne Frank Tree (2)

Friends. Friends are people who you share ideas with and help each other. That’s why we need friends. For help, and inspiration.

Haiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii! I was thinking, should I do “:Haiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii-ley” for a joke and um, no.

<PT1 Friends>


Many of you who don’t know it would say, “Why Violet first? Are you not doing chronological ordering?” And I am. Violet and I met at Edisen, an English academy where we have debated since 2nd grade. We had one project or debate each month, and it changes each month. I did some projects in January with Violet. Then she had this Gim-Bap rolling cooking show with Katie, and I had Mango-Smoooooooooooooothies with Jamie.


As Seoin wrote in her blog post, we are close(best) friends. But actually, we did not do many big projects together, only small ones. For example, we did Arcade with Emily SON which turned out to be supper bad (NOT EMILY JEON SHE IS GOOD BUT EMILY SON IS BAD TRUST ME SHE DIDN’T COME ON THE PROJECT DAY AND SHE HELPED OTHER TEAMS AND NEVER OURS)

We also did the ‘Halloween Poem writing’ together with Ivie. We also did Accents, which was quite a failure cause none of ours was there. ToT


Hailey and Seoin and I are very close to each other, because, as you know, we met in 2nd grade. This also meant that we did projects together;that’s a no. We didn’t do a lot of projects together, unfortunately.

Emily, Sarah

Emily is a friend that I think I saw once in the pineapple sanga. She lives next to Seoin’s community, which is next to mine. She was once a star, (and still is) because she won 2nd place medal in 3rd grade communities with Ivie and Minjae.


Sarah is a friend that I will remember most. And I am kind of sorry to Sarah. Me and Sarah are the team that was in the same team the most. I believe that. We were in Communities, And almost every debate, and mock trial, and stuff like that. I am sorry to her because we were kind of blehy to her about the yearbook. But guess what? Anna left, and there’s a place left for our yearbook!


Eugene is a friend I met in speaking class. She was very kind and LOVED drawing, which is the same as now. She was very loud and smart, and actually she was good at participating.

6. Ryan

Wait. I shouldn’t do Ryan. Then I have to do Taemin, Leah, and all the people!

Ryan is everyone knows, a friend that came for makeup. But he was actually in speaking class with me in 3rd grade, and we were close friends. He was one of the friends that did speaking class until July like Leah and Taemin.

<2020 Mock Trial Debate intensive friends>

7. Leah

Leah is very kind. She goes to an international school. She is close to Eugene and Seoin too, I think. I met her in speaking class before, when she was still going to Peai. But I met her a second time, a second chance, when in 4th grade, 2020 July, August. AT Peai, we did a mock trial&Debate intensive and I met her there.

8. Julia

Julia is a friend that you might not know. She has brown, long hair, and you might see her in the elevator of hwangso. But she’s Ilpoom?? It’s okay. She likes slime and other stuff too.

9. Freasla

Freasla is a friend who even I have problems with spelling and pronouncing. Mr. Nick, who eats Mr. Patrick’s mashed potatoes(KK) was the teacher. And he had to spend like 3 minutes only writing her name. She likes slime too, but I hate it.

10. Kaylin

She is a friend who loves debating, and she is good at it. She is from California and visited Korea for a year because of her uncle.

11. Chloe & Ian

Chloe is a friend that I think enjoyed this purpose the best. She was always good at mock trials, maybe not debate.

Ian is Chloe’s younger brother, and they are twins.

12. There was a boy and I don’t remember his name so pass

<Back to PT1 Friends>

13. Sophia

Sophia is a friend that helped me much. She is kind, as has a good handwriting. She is known for dancing in this class, but she is actually good at doing stuff.

14. Daniel

Daniel is the first boy in our class that we deserve as a true friend. Not that Colin isn’t a true friend, but we didn’t enjoy that, did we?

He is a King of our class, because he is the one and only boy. He is very kind unlike Colin who is a mean boss.

15. Anna

Anna is very intelligent at both math and English. She is in Challenge level in Thinking bull, which is the highest level you can go to. Even going up to Essence of challenge is a challenge, but I think Violet and Anna are very good at math. Hailey too!

16. Lauren

Lauren is a friend that I met in 5th grade with Anna. She is kind but sometimes says “I said to close the door quietly Rachel '', and that’s when I sometimes get Bleh-y. She always does her homework on Saturday(?) and I appreciate how she lived in Shanghai!

All the Teachers

17. Mr. Jake

He is funny, but sometimes REALLY funny.

18. Mr. Yong

He is my favorite teacher except for Mr. Patrick. We did eggspert and also codebreaker, which was the favorite activity of many students. We also got to draw on the walls on the last day because Peai was getting crashed. And it was Thursday, and we were in YT1 class, so we could draw it first.

19. Mr. Michael

He is funny, entertaining except for when he says to stop the Hiding Sophia’s highlighter game. It was fun when we did mafia before and after class.

20. Mr. Patrick

He is funny, and very smart. I like being in his class with my awesome friends. He is sometimes funny like when Sophia and Mr. Patrick did the rock-scissor-paper thing.

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I have no idea what you guys are all doing except for a few people… can you guys all write in the comments what class you are in right...

Hi wix

(lol visited almost by 2 years this site is dead OoO) hiii i am studying grammar for class byeeee


Hailey Chang
Hailey Chang
Jun 26, 2021

My opinion: When Daniel reads that he will most likely say "HAHAHA I'm the King yay"


Sophia Lee
Sophia Lee
Jun 24, 2021

Wow. I think it would feel good if you draw on the walls

o(* ̄▽ ̄*)ブ

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