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G. G. Sato

Writer: Seoin LimSeoin Lim

G. G. Sato is this person who is famous for not being able to catch a pop fly ball. He is a baseball player, and he was there in the 2008 Olympics when it was Korea Vs. Japan.

G.G. Sato was the left fielder, and a pop fly ball flew towards him. But he couldn't catch it:

He'd lost it! Which meant that Korea won(oh didn't I tell you? Sato was the Japan player)! It was a very easy ball and he couldn't catch the ball. This made him very famous, in a good way in Korea, and a bad way in Japan.

Right now, just now, Korea has lost the bronze medal. No medal for us! Which is exactly the opposite for the game in 2008.

Go Woo-Suk was a Korean pitcher in the game with Japan. He was one of the bullpen(a bullpen pitcher is not the first pitcher of the game, but the second, third, or more. They cannot pitch long, so they often pitch for only one inning.) pitchers, and he was REALLY GOOD. But he did a terrible mistake that day. There could have been a double play, and Go Woo-Suk was waiting in the 1st base, waiting for the 2nd pitcher to throw to him to get 2 outs. But when Go Woo-Suk caught the ball, he was not putting his foot to the base! So, the inning could have ended, since it was 1 out, but because of his own mistake, he could not be the same. So, Korea lost this time....

And the game after that, the game with America, was not good, and we lost again. And TODAY we did with the Dominican Republic and WE LOST AGAIN! 3 game sin a row. How sad.

Anyways, because so many Korean baseball fans were hating Go Woo-Suk(I don't hate him, by the way), G.G.Sato was like, "don't attack him!" and defending Go Woo-Suk. I guess Sato felt sympathy, since he had the same experience.

Here is the photo for Go Woo-Suk's mistake:

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I have no idea what you guys are all doing except for a few people… can you guys all write in the comments what class you are in right...

Hi wix

(lol visited almost by 2 years this site is dead OoO) hiii i am studying grammar for class byeeee


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