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H.P. Café

Everything will be okay in the end. If it's not okay, it's not the end. -Unknown

Hello everybody!

On Friday, I went to Hongdae, as some of you might know. And there’s nothing like “INTERESTING” to write in a blog; it was just hot and tiring. And I found a “Harry Potter” Cafe, and it’s called “943 KINGS CROSS”; I think it is to not do the copyright thing, because everything there is about Harry Potter and literally, NOWHERE it says “Harry Potter”.

So this building is awesome! It has like, 4 floors, and you can buy drinks or food to eat, and you can choose what floor you will stay in. On the 3rd floor, I found something interesting; it has like a book where people aren’t supposed to draw and doodle but some did, and luckily, nobody was there! So I took a lot of pics; it was very interesting. There was spoooooky music too, but I’m sure that WASN’T Harry Potter music.

So like my mom bought “Butterbeer” and “Snapple” and “Dragon Blood Juice: Which is a strawberry juice” and Coffee and Jelly beans and Literally, My mom bought the strawberry juice by 8500 won, and we literally only ate a little of it kkkkkkkkkk

Bye! And P.S., I went there to find a jelly shop called "Happy Pillz" but I found out it was like NOT THERE SO TOTOTOTOTOTOTOT

And these are the imagez and the last 2 is just random HP images in media wix cause If I don't put these 2 in, it doesn't become 3X3 so it's not pretty and bye

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I have no idea what you guys are all doing except for a few people… can you guys all write in the comments what class you are in right...

Hi wix

(lol visited almost by 2 years this site is dead OoO) hiii i am studying grammar for class byeeee


Seoin Lim
Seoin Lim
Aug 02, 2021

Eugene will love this kk

Seoin Lim
Seoin Lim
Aug 04, 2021
Replying to



Aug 01, 2021

WOW it looks awesome! ><

I wanna go there too ToT

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