Hello! Today I'm basically writing about how Halloween is soooo great.
We usually do Halloween parties offline. It's really good if you do offline because you get to trick-or-treat to all the teachers. I remember Mr. David being Teletobie(is this the correct spelling? I just wrote the thing by the pronunciation of Korean) and Mr. Michael being, "teacher" which kind of upset all of us.
I'm going to be ___ for Halloween. I'm not going to tell you~ Match me at the Halloween Party! Ohh I just thought of an idea! Maybe we can all be weird names so that we can match each other! Everyone, please change your names into weird ones on Halloween! If you guys all do with your normal names, people will know that the ___ is me. And for people who know who I am already, please be quiet.
P.S. To people who know who I am: I'm going to wear the costume that I always do.
Anyways I thought of doing Harry Potter's Hermione, but sadly, my mom bought the not-original one and it's really weird so I can't wear it.
Also, Eugene, don't be a "student" again!
(To people who don't know Eugene's unpreparation(kk): Eugene always says, "I'm a student!" and then just wears her normal clothes on Halloween)
I wonder what Mr. Patrick's gonna wear on Halloween. It'll be probably a very funny one, I expect. Peai Teachers always wear a costume too.
Conclusion- prediction
Halloween is a day that everyone enjoys. It is a day where you get to hide your face and be a figure that is not you. It will make you feel, on Halloween, that you are not yourself- but a character that you always wanted to be. If there is no Halloween, the smiles on the children's faces will wash away. October 31th will not be the day of excitement and preparation- it will be a normal life with people's busy lives. "Halloween is not only about putting on a costume- but it's about finding the imagination and costume within ourselves," says Elvis Duran. Like this, Halloween is a day where people enjoy and share their excitement.
P.S. This is a Kakao wallpaper of Halloween(you can download it):

And ehh, I'm gonna be a student this halloween I remember Mr. Yong being a P.E. Teacher, he was funny with a whistle
So I was literally gonna write here "Seoin's gonna be a ----------" but I just read the next sentence. (P.S I'm on the next, level yeah- sophia LUVs this song)
kkk I think I remember Colin being a muggle too