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Harry Potter ( Real Post)

Everyone in PT1 LOVES Harry Potter, escpecially Eugene! I wish our class name was Harry Potter too! But I hope Eugene has a good time in the class, "Harry Potter". Until I heard she's coming to our class from Next week!

I like Harry Potter. Seoin likes Harry Potter. Sophia likes Harry Potter. Eugene likes Harry Potter. Daniel likes Harry Potter. Sarah likes Harry Potter. Emily likes Harry Potter. Hailey likes Harry Potter. Violet likes Harry Potter. Anna likes Harry Potter. Lauren likes Harry Potter. Mr. Patrick likes Harry Potter.

The reason why we like Harry Potter, isn't just because it's fun, it's exciting, funny and adventurous at the same time. It is fit for all students at our age -Rose Weasley-

Harry Potter is one of the best novels in history. Today I will tell you about Harry Potter author, J.K. Rowling’s history(Process of writing “Harry Potter”). And I think 99% of you ALL know this.

J.K. Rowling had written many books and tried to send them to many publishers. However, many publishers had not accepted to publish(Rejected) her books. And at last, when she wrote a series called Harry Potter, the publisher finally accepted it. That’s how Harry Potter was made.

Now, all of PT1 enjoy reading Harry Potter. We’re ALL Ravenclaw, which means intelligence!

My wand is this: Black walnut wood with a dragon heartstring core, 13 ¼", and unyielding flexibility. However, I had already bought a wand with a sensor on it in Japan like 4 years ago in Universal Studios. That day, I still remember, in the Olivander’s Wand Shop, I got picked(?) and the person recommended a wand for me. It was the happiest day. I got some blah blah unicorn blah blah thing and I don’t remember the name well. Anyways, I’m going to predict, which will 99% going to be true: there are going to be more than 9 Harry Potters/Hermione Grangers on Halloween. I think I’m going to be Harry Potter. I really want to be Hermione, but I don’t know about the costume. I have a Harry Potter costume, at least!

Next is my Patronus. I did the Patronus test a lot of times, including clicking “Delete Account” and “Join Fan club” a million times. Actually 6 times. I was

1st Gryffindor/Husky

2nd RavenClaw/I do not remember

3rd Ravenclaw/I have no idea either

4th Slytherin/Eagle Owl

5th Gryffindor/I have no idea 333

6th Ravenclaw/ Tonkinese Cat

I actually wanted a very rare(uncommon) Patronus. My first rare one was the Eagle Owl. It said something like: Your uncommon Patronus is: Eagle Owl Share Like Go back to Passport like it usually says

Anyways, I started to enjoy reading (Like) Harry Potter, despite(even though) that I had read it in Korean before and watched the movies on Netflix before.

Bye all Ravenclaws~ Have a good night!

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