Recently, many numbers of people have been wearing shorts even though it is still spring. God must have forgot spring and so we are in the boiling summer weather. I admit that I am very weird especially when it comes to feeling cold. I actually rarely feel cold even in winter because um There is no reason I just seem to be being myself. So what happens in summer is really, really terrible for me. It's just too hot and I get easily annoyed when I'm feeling hot. So unless I stay in air-conditioned space 24 hours, I am frustrated and annoyed. Summer is a 3 month torture for me. But I must really thank the person who invented summer vacation and air conditioner, or else the teacher would have been calling my parents for me yelling at her the whole class. Actually, even though we have like three air conditioners and giant fans in our class, It doesn't help as much as it does in other places because my teacher is like the second vice-principal of our school and she has been told many times that we should keep the window open so that the air can refresh itself and so we have to keep one window open because of Corona. I also hate that the fact i cannot have air conditioners when I am going to sleep. I couldn't go to sleep last night I know that some people really like summer because they like going to the beach for summer vacations, but I'm pretty sure they are on my side now as we can only see the beach pictures on a June calendar thanks to corona. But since you are too tired of reading my complaints I really tried hard to find one good thing about summer and I still couldn't find it.

die summer
kk 'die summer' at the last part if funny
kk absolutely true I hate, HATE summer