I really really hate having Korean-styled rice breakfast. So does my family. So I decided to make something by myself for breakfast. And I searched everywhere in google on what a 5th grader could make out of 'breakfast'. And I finally got the most simple recipe so I decided it was something to write about.
The recipe I found was about french toast. I saw it as the easiest recipe possible. And I really like the french toast my dad makes sometimes. For those who don't know what a french toast is, it's a toast that is fried with eggs inside it. It looks like this:

Anyway, there are many ways to make french toast, but this is the recipe I came up with by adding multiple recipes on internet.
First, you get a bowl, crack two raw eggs in it, and start to mix it untill the white and yellow are completely combined and is in a shade of buttercream yellow. Add some maple syrup in the mixture if you want, but I prefer adding it after it's baked. If you want to add it now, however, you can add two medium sized spoons.
Then you get about three pieces of bread, and dip each one of it in the egg and syrup mixture you made. Then right after, you put it on a buttered pan and wait, while you sometimes flip for the other side to bake.
As I said, it's very simple, so that's it. You can add blueberries and more syrup if you want, bananas also taste good with it, too.