*I will put the repetition after…. well, you know.*
For the last two classes (Is it right? I now don’t really count dates.), I have been telling you that my throat hurt. You might be wondering why I have been coughing and coughing, and I will tell you why. Oh, and also, I will tell you the meaning of the topic. It is I am feverish, like real ill-fevering, and the other one is that I am angry so I am feverish.
I think it was last Monday when my throat hurt. Before that day, I had gone to COEX(Do you guys know Coex? Because it is quite famous) to play some games. It was a special day, where there was an event. Me and my mom sat at one place for a while, and the wind was kind of medium. However, as I wasn’t wearing any jacket, I didn’t get protected from the wind. So, on Monday, my throat hurt. That’s when the whole week changed. On Tuesday, I think my throat really hurted, and I am a little feverish. On Wednesday morning, I was ok. However, on Wednesday night, my temperature went to 38.8, and my mom tried to change my temperature back to normal. But it didn’t. I needed to eat medicines. I really wanted to change my temperature back to normal because Thursday was when I can go to school early with my friends because my mom does something, there was this Pre PAPS, and I wanted to do that. Also, there was an English test, and if I can’t go to school that day, I needed to take the test alone, which is terrible. However, health is the most important thing, so my mom said if my temperature doesn’t go to my normal temperature before midnight, I can’t go to school tomorrow. Then, I slept. I woke up at 7 because of my mom’s alarm, and she said that my temperature got back, but it got back after midnight, so I can’t go to school. That’s why I was so angry and sad. I lost three things that I liked (PLZ don’t think that I like english tests, I hate them). I watched sadly as my mom went outside the door.
You might wonder how my condition is right now, the answer is a lot better! My fever went down! However, my coughing got worse, so please don’t be angry at me (Especially my debate team and poem team, and other teams I forgot.) that my voice is too small and I keep coughing. Hope you have a none-ill life, and bye~!
P.S: In the sentence “However, my coughing got worse,” I first typed “got” and the google docs. underlined it with blue, so I clicked it and corrected it to “get”, and it underlined it with blue again! I clicked it, and I needed to correct it to “Got”, and i underlined the word with blue AGAIN and when I clicked it, it said to correct with “Get”

It's ok, Daniel! Our Debate Team WOOON because another Daniel came for make-up class and he did my part and I did your part.
Thank god you're okay!
Are you ok?