Hello! I dunno how to start because I always (ok, not ALWAYS) wrote poems, and it's a looong time since I have written an actual 'blog'.(you know, the blog-blog)
Aaaaanyways, it was this morning (Wednesday) at 7 o`clock that I went to the boxing academy. I had to wake up at 6:30, so I wasn't that refreshed and stuff. Because it was raining, (AND because it's my first day, and who knows where your academy is on the first day???) my mom drove me to the boxing academy. I definitely DIDN'T decide to learn boxing to punch somebody (a.k.a my brother) but decided to do boxing because first, my mom insisted me since it's good for my health, and second, my friend's (little!!) sister went to the academy too. Anyways, there were 2 puppies in the academy, (Loui is much cuter) who looked EXACTLY (ok. kiiiinda different) alike. Anyways, (why am I using so many 'anyways!!!) I learned boxing and after I learned it, I knew that it was very VEEEERY tiring. Because you have to hop(??) all the time, and jab with only one arm, my arm and legs ached. (I STILL can't move my-OUCH!!- arm and I am wearing a patch- the 'pass' thing bbb) Maybe I jabbed too passionately. After learning and coming back home (it was 8:10), I washed and slept for 1 hour. Then, I woke up to hear my mom tell me that she will go somewhere, so do my homework, so I went to my room, (I was sleeping on the massage chair with a blanket and a pillow- which is surprisingly very very very very comfortable!)..... and guess what! (readers: what??? kkk) I decided to put my pillow back onto my bed, and got asleep! Just like that!! And I slept for 3 hours- again.;

Daniel will be happy
now you should fight with Daniel kkk
oh and p.s.: Loui-> Louis
the pronunciation is Loui but the spelling is Louis (Sarah told me that)