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Impromptu debate (PM) that I wrote in the last 15 minutes YAY!

Writer: Sarah GoSarah Go

We started the impromptu debate last thursday. There is no homework on the debate, but I thought, "I'm bad at debates, and........ Oh right I can practice the impromptu debate!"

And I prepared the notebook I wrote while class and I explained to my mom what an impromptu debate was, and asked her to give me a random topic. She gave me this.

THBT We should ban animals in zoos.

So, I wrote it with a timer. I wrote prime minister's and a deputy prime minister's.

This is it!

THBT Zoos should be banned



  • Animals get stressed

  • The way of putting animals in zoo is the problem

  • They can’t get back to the wild (I couldn't write this ToT)

Animals get stressed

On team Government, we proudly oppose that the zoos should be banned.

As the Prime minister, I will say our first assertion of animals getting stressed. Another Prime minister Miss. Me will say that the way of putting animals in the zoo is wrong, and the deputy prime minister Miss. Me will say the animals in the zoo can't get out of the zoo. Our whip Miss. Me will rebut the Opposition’s rebuttals. Finally, Miss. Me will summarize our assertions and tell why we are right and the Opposition is wrong.

Our first argument is that animals in zoos will get stressed. But they get enough treatment and care! But they are trapped in a small place where people and children ‘Ooh!’ and ‘Ahh!’ at them. Imagine you were living with your family you love, not very rich but plenty to live. One day, aliens came and invaded your house. They killed your parents and took you to a place where grown up aliens led children aliens to you and said, “This is called a human!” and give you plenty of food and care. How will you feel about the aliens who killed your parents to just bring you to a place where aliens look at you interestingly and try to make you do shows and stuff. Yes, anyone will hate it. The animals will feel the same way.

Let's put a zebra in the human’s place and hunters and humans in the alien’s place.

Hunters kill the adult zebras to bring the baby zebra to the zoo to let people see the zebra. The zebra will be so stressed!

Sadly, this happened to every animal in the zoo. The tigers and birds we see and admire, the seals and dolphins that do the shows, all have these tragic events.

Will they be happy enough to hug us?? No, they get so stressed. That's the reason why lions are so active in the wild while they just sleep and eat in the zoo, no interest.

The way of putting animals in the zoo is the problem

Our second argument is that there is a problem in the way of putting animals in the zoo. There will be no problem if people coax animals with their whole families and do good care. But the problem is, they do not.

Like Miss. Me mentioned before, hunters kill the parents and bring the babies to zoos. This is because a baby animal cannot survive in the wild alone, they pretend to save their lives when they are the one who killed their parent animals.

The baby animals who lost their parents are dragged to the zoo to get a tragic fate.

They are to live forever in the zoo with a lot of stress and discomfort.

And they never get to see their mothers again in the wild.

The people who killed the mothers and brought the baby animal to the zoo continue to do it. They don’t stop it, unless they hunt down every animal and bring them to the zoo so there are no animals left. The hunters are so cruel, you might say, but saying it doesn't help the baby animals coming to the zoo. Even now, a hunter might be charging his gun ready to shoot the parents of a baby animal, not knowing what situation it will be in after 5 seconds. Imagine these animals. They will live with fear and discomfort while they are alive. They will hate the people who killed the parents and will be afraid they will kill it too. This brings great stress, plus children drumming the glass wall to make the baby animal move, not knowing anything about the animal’s tragic event.

P.S. Please write in the impromptu debate practice room file I made!

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I have no idea what you guys are all doing except for a few people… can you guys all write in the comments what class you are in right...

Hi wix

(lol visited almost by 2 years this site is dead OoO) hiii i am studying grammar for class byeeee

5 comentarios

31 jul 2021

Oh Sarah and in the picture, it says Font: Sunshiny but it's sunshiney


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Sarah Go
Sarah Go
05 jun 2021

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Sarah Go
Sarah Go
05 jun 2021
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Umm... You did.

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Seoin Lim
Seoin Lim
05 jun 2021

Sorry, Sarah, but you make TOO MANY files. I mean, I can't go to all of them! So if I see 'Silver bird person shared me something' in Gmail, I don't even go in!

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Sarah Go
Sarah Go
05 jun 2021
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Umm... Seoin?? It says 'Seoin Lim' fixed this file today blahblahblah??

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