Hello everyone! I don’t have anything special to do, so I will talk about my gym class I had in March.
It was my first gym class since 5th grade, so I was very excited. My teacher was planning to play a ‘Mafia tag game’, but since almost everyone wanted to play dodge ball, (I think every student likes playing dodge ball.) Anyways, we went to the auditorium, and we saw class 11 there. (5th grade students) So, my teacher said, “Do you guys want to play dodge ball with them?”
And everyone said, “YES!!!!!!!”
So, we were excited to play dodge ball with class 11. But we didn’t know what disaster would happen soon. The class 11 teacher played as a referee. When the game started, our class noticed that something was going wrong just in a minute. In dodge ball, it is important to make sure everyone fairly has a chance to throw the ball. But in class 11, the boy with the tallest height kept on throwing the ball, which was harder for our team to avoid the ball. Also, the other team kept on getting out of the line when they threw or avoided the ball, which is also very unfair for us. Normally, it is common that the referee should give them a yellow card or a warning. But the referee, like I mentioned, the class 11 teacher, kept on letting them play the game even though they got out of the line. I was very angry, and my first gym class was ruined. But because our team did MUUUUUUUUCCCCCCCCCCHHHHHHHHHHH more better than the other team, it was a tie by 1:1. I hope we never play dodge ball again with class 11.
When we came back to class, everyone shouted out “THEY DIDN’T FOLLOW THE RULES AND THEIR TEACHER DIDN’T GIVE THEM A YELLOW CARD!!!!!!”
And our class was very loud for a long time.
*P.S.: Can someone please tell me if 'dodge ball' is correct or 'dodgeball' is correct? Because in Goggle Docs, it says that 'dodgeball' is correct and in wix.com, it says that 'dodge ball' is correct...

It's the same ball anyways
WOW! Our school has only up to 6 classes, and other grades (except for 2010 people) have 5. So, When I was in 1st grade, there were 6 classes, when I was 2nds grade, 6 classes, and blah balahh
The picture is... Tennis ball???