Today, before 1 hour, Louis went on her first walk. FIRST!! In her doggy life.
I was totally excited. If Louis knew too, she would have been too, but she had no idea. So sad ToT Anyways, when Louis saw us pack the lead line and harness and snack, she was SUPER EXCITED. Like we sometimes took a stroll (By putting her inside the bag) and she always LOVED it. Well, something more than that was waiting for her. Yay!!
When she went outside with me holding her, she was like, "Hey Sarah where is my bag"
But we simply just didn't take it out.
So, when we went outside, I connected Louis's harness with the lead line. She was like "Whats this place Tell me I'm scared" and stood there for like forever!
Like this!

Then, the "60 chicken"(I bet you all know this) delivery man went by, and Louis finally moved, but as the bad side in good, she went to the delivery man like crazy, and of course, the man didn't care her at all. Later, she was confident. Except for when there were leaves and small stones on the ground. I thought that she was sniffing the leaves. But when Louis moved her head, the LEAF THERE WAS GONE ARGH She ate it. I quickly put it out of her mouth, and continued the walk. She sometimes ran. When people passed by, she became crazy. She really likes people you know. If a thief came in and killed me and my mom, she would play with the thief. Then, a girl passed by and Louis ran to her (Like crazy as usual) and I saw her face. It was Penny! Q. Who is Penny A. My friend who lives by the apartment. Full name Penny Lazur because she is from California. We just meet a few times a year because we just randomly meet and that day was that 'random' day. Louis ran and jumped at her.
We continued the walk together, when it started to rain, and we needed to go. ToT
But when Penny went home, she chased her. Like, she ran at Penny as she ran to her apartment and ran after her.
After that, Louis ate a branch and spit it again, sit on a small stone, sniffed an innocent poor ant on the way and blew it away with her nose breath, and stepped on a dead bug.
But when we came back, hell for Louis started.
She stepped all over and sat too, so her face, feet, legs, butt, tail was messy.
So we needed to bath her, and most of you will probably remember my blog about how much Louis hated her bath. She was like "AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH HELP"
And now she is sleeping because she is tired next to my sock kkk Bye!
P.S. To people who have pets :-)
Can you leave me some tips on taking your dog on a walk??

Sarah, you should NOT let your dog close to people. Your dog might bite! You should not be confident just because she is okay originally. I hope she doesn't bark. Does she?
Try not to hold the leash longer than 1 meter
Let your dog explore a lot
Try not to let your dog go so close to other people, just in case your dog will attack
Try going on new routes from now and then
Ummm... Yeah! That's all