You know what a neutering surgery is, right? A neutering surgery is.......... How'd ya explain this? Umm...... Oh! Joong sung hwa!! Anyways, Louis did that. I was off to my math academy(Did I tell you the subject I hate the most in da world, no galaxy, no universe, no SUPERRCLUSTERS is math?) (Hey is universe more big or superclusters big?) Sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo I couldn't watch Louis being traded(?) by mom for a surgery, and when the (devil) academy ended, I RUSHED to the hospital. I waited for like hours for Louis, when the doctor said, "Your dog will be here soon! ^^" About 30 minutes later. "Your dog will be here soon!^^" About 10 minutes later, LOUIS!!!!!!!!!! She was here YIPEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE She was umm... Looking really tired but both really excited to see us too. And she had a role bandage on her!!!! So, we bought a neck collar, a round blue one and went. When your dog does a surgery, you need to buy one cauz the dog might scratch and bite the wound, and it WON'T heal.
So, Louis looked like this.

So, she is CUTEEEEEE Now she is barking like crazy cauz we ordered Jajangmyeon. I think she is fully healed, even if it it is 3 days from da surgery. ToT
Im saying this cauz ... The first day, right after she did the surgery, she was like, "Whats this WHats this Whats this Whats this Whats this I CANT MOVE" And even if there is a snack right in front of her, she CAN'T go and eat it! But a day later...
Louis: BARKBARKBARK *Running around like crazy*
Me: ...... Did the doctor say it will heal in 2 days and we misunderstand as 2 weeks?