Today's Quote(From 365 days of Wonder Book):
The goal of life is to make your heartbeat match the beat of the universe, to match your nature with Nature. -Joseph Campbell-
<Marshall Review>
(Yay no repetition)
Do you know what a Marshall is? No? Then what about Em button? Still no? Well, it is a speaker! Yes, get it now? Okay.
You: Okay, how was your weekend?
Me: Terrible, It was full of “H” and “W”.
You: kkkkk zzzzzz Nothing Special, eh?
Me: Wait, read this blog and there’s a special thing coming up!
You: So there was a special thing, eh?
Me: …… Um, Yeah Sure
You: kkkk
“Me” went out of the Chatroom.
Today I will be reviewing the Marshall Speaker that we bought recently. It’s name is Marshall. If you type in “Marshall”, then there will be a lot of speakers on the image. Not Marshal. I don’t know what it is, and there’s some squirrel. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaanyways, I bought it for like ₩160000. Oh My God(Is it Oh My Gosh?). So, it’s really simple. I bought it because my pad and my parent’s phones are all from Apple, and my dad said that it’s sound quality isn’t really good. So my dad said that he wanted it. So I bought it for him, because it was his Birthday on 4/28. And it’s kind of expensive for a 5th grade kid to buy her dad a birthday present. Haha. So there’s a gold color button on the middle of the top. If you click it for over 2 seconds, there’s like a do-doom base sound. It means it’s Bluetooth is connected. You can listen to the music by picking it on the phone or clicking right or left, and that means “skip song”. But the funny part is that when I listen with my mom’s phone, there’s the ads. Because she’s not “Premium”. And my dad’s is “Premium”. And my dad says that it’s quality is good. Also, I think it’s mine because it’s mine and I bought it and hahaha. P.S. My dad said that if I put the money, he'd do it from Amazon, and I bought it. Yay? Yippee Doodle!
And P.S Mr. Patrick didn't tell us repetition so we don't need to do it!Yippee Doodle!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wow How could you pay it?