I never knew my sleeping habit, until my sister kicked me on the head.
And I told that exactly to my Peai class, so I asked my sister "Are my sleeping habits bad?" and my sister was saying "Are you serious? Of course!" so I was in shock.
Anyways, I decided to change my habit by taking a video all night of me sleeping.
As I saw, I got some facts about my sleeping habit.
Roll to my sister
My sister pushes me
I didn't budge a bit
My sister gets frustrated
I keep sleeping
My sister pushes/kicks my body to my bed.
I was kind of sorry for my sisters to do that because I thought my sleeping was calm.
And I think it's right than others because my sister's habit is a lot worse. I will tell you about my sister's habits.
Become a shrimp
Throws her doll
Hits me
Sleep peacefully
Fall from her bed
Sleep on the floor
Take away my blanket
Throws the blanket at me (When she is hot)
Wake up
Screams to me that I took her blanket (┌( ´_ゝ` )┐)
This was my second sister's habit. And my first sister's habit:
Lay down her phone
Close her eyes
Wake up
Play with her phone
Sleeping while the bell rings to wake up
RIng RIng
The second sister comes annoyed by the bell ringing
Shouts to my sister to put the alarm off
And this was another peaceful night for the three sisters.
Mom/Dad: Not for us. Grrr
After we woke up
Mom: Are you two fighting again? (In the Kitchen)
Me and my second sister: No Mom!
Mom: All right
Me and my second sister: Grrrr
