I think that everyone is introducing themselves these days in wix(such as Rachel and Sophia), so let me introduce myself, too.
First of all, I don’t have ANY siblings. Even though I know that there is always my dad with me(of course not ALWAYS as he has to work), I still think that it has some good things about siblings. Most of my friends have siblings, or pets. And that’s also why I think pets are good, too. But I sometimes agree with my mom, who says that she doesn’t want to see her pet die faster than her. I am really curious if Eugene’s hamster is alive by now, and I will be really sad if he(the hamster) died. Like this, I’m even sad when other people's pets die so what will happen if my pet dies?
Secondly, I went to America when I was 8. You might have not heard the name of the place, but it is San Diego, California. There, I did so many things- and mostly sports. I did Swimming, Tennis, Softball(which is like a game that girls do. It is very similar to baseball, except the ball is a little bit softer and bigger.), Soccer, Running, and so much more. Because of that, I LOVE sports now. And the really sad thing is, when I came back to Korea, only Tennis and Swimming was allowed. And I was so angry, because if I was a boy, I could have done all that! 😡
Lastly, I want to tell everyone something that no one knows, and even my friends who were with me from 2nd grade. It’s that I am very into music. BUT NOT K-POP. Sorry for people who love k-pop(you-know-who.), but I really ‘don’t like’ it. I guess it’s because I heard just too much original pop. The different thing between pop and k-pop is that k-pop has this weird ending. Like you do it with your nose, and they always end a word with this ‘huh~’ sound. And I really don’t agree with that. By the way, pop doesn’t have that.
I hope that many people(including Rachel and Hailey and other people who was with me from lower grades) learned about me more. Bye!

Do you mean me in "people who love k-pop(you-know-who", because I think so... And also Maybe Sophia??