There are many important things in our life. Such as, secret, truth, education, how you think, and everything else. Truth is something you can rely on, believe, and it is also a key for a mystery. So, to find out the truth is one of the hardest things. The thing that you need to find out the truth is mottos.
Once, I was really in mottos. I liked founding out mottos, and making my own motto. Finally, in one day, I made my own motto, which was “The end is the start”. I had my own meaning, which was not like a real meaning. It was just like, if a class ends, a new class starts. If you graduate elementary school, you go to middle school. That was how I thought when I made that Motto. One day, something happened. I realized the truth. I finally realized what the motto was trying to tell me. It was that even though you end something and lose your friend, don’t be depressed, there will be something new. It was such a surprise to me. I never thought that the motto had this meaning. I always thought ‘It is just a motto. It is cool!”. I thought it was something like a joke or something. But it was serious. It had a really deep meaning, a true meaning.
Finding out a true and deep meaning, it is hard. But after you find it out, it is really fun. I hope you found out some truth somehow. Also, Truth is Really Important.