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<My Plants>

Writer: Hailey ChangHailey Chang

Hello everyone!!! I ran out of blog post ideas like Sarah argh but thankfully I remembered one!! Hip hip hooray to my plants(Plants: No problem)!!

Okay on to the topic. I have a bunch of plants, and first, my lettuce.

Tada!! The thing marked as (1) is my lettuce. I've been growing this for about one month, and it's that much. Hopefully, I can eat it(poor lettuce) soon. My school gave it to me, and it's still growing well^^ Oh and don't look at the pot thingy next to it. It's surely not a plant.

The plant marked with (2) is my mini succulent plant which I also got from school at Thursday. We were doing some smoking prevention education program, and that tiny thing is supposed to clean the air, but it's so small that I need to give that tiny thing water with a spuit. But when I first got it, it was sooooooooooo cute that I almost got a heart attack(find this sentence in one of the PTI files and capture it and leave it on the comments^^)!!

The last plant is umm.. rather a bit long..? This plant, I have been growing this since starting in kindergarten(the name is Appletree). The teacher gave this for some kind of reason I can't remember now, and part of that long plant was cut of in the pictureㅠ You might know how much it's long^^

Oh it's over 200 words! Bye and please leave a comment below!!

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I have no idea what you guys are all doing except for a few people… can you guys all write in the comments what class you are in right...

Hi wix

(lol visited almost by 2 years this site is dead OoO) hiii i am studying grammar for class byeeee

1 Comment

Hailey Chang
Hailey Chang
May 29, 2021

OMG that uhh rabbit I guess gif is so cute oh and to get that one type 'happy' in gif thingy and it's on the top

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