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My schedule- Based on Days that I GO TO SCHOOL-Rachel Kim


My schedule-(Is based on days when I go to school)

And a small P.S I am really slow at eating ^^


7:30 Wake up

8:25: Go to school

2:00: Come back from school

2:30: Korean History Academy

3:30: Come back home

3:40: Do Test preparation

5:40: End Test Preparation

5:50: English Homework

6:10: End English Homework

6:20 Eat Dinner

6:40: Go to Math Academy

9:20: End Math Academy

10:00: Do math Homework

11:30: End Math Homework

11:30:Start Peai Homework

12:30: End Peai Homework

12:30: Shower

After Shower, Sleep


7:30 Wake up

8:25: Go to school

2:00: Come back from school

2:20: Go to Peai

2:40: Arrive at Peai

6:30: Peai Ends

7:10: Come back from Peai

7:10: Eat Dinner

7:30: Do Math academy Homework

9:30: End Math Academy Homework

10:00: Start reading Korean Academy Book

11:00: End Reading

11:00: Take a shower

11:20: Read wither Novel or any English Book

12:00: End reading

12:20: Sleep


7:30 Wake up

8:25: Go to school

2:00: Come back from school

2:10: Korean Tutor Stuff

3:30: End Korean Tutor Stuff

4:00: Do Math

6:00 End Math

6:00: Eat Dinner

6:30: Do Peai Homework

7:25: End Peai Homework

7:25: Go to Math Academy

9:50: End Math academy

And It goes on and on, but it’s the same thing- Math, Peai, Math, Peai, Shower, Read a book, Sleep…..


8:00: Wake Up

1:30: Do Korean stuff zoom

4:30: End Korean stuff zoom

And that’s pretty much it


8:00: Wake Up

11:00:Do Skateboard Practice at Olympic Park

1:00: End Practice

1:30: Eat Lunch

2:00: Do math Tutor stuff

3:30: End Math tutor stuff

3:30: Go to math Academy

6:00:ENd math academy

I am as busy as a snail trying to take a world tour. Phew, But I think Hailey’s more busy Oh My God

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I have no idea what you guys are all doing except for a few people… can you guys all write in the comments what class you are in right...

Hi wix

(lol visited almost by 2 years this site is dead OoO) hiii i am studying grammar for class byeeee


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