Days ago, (I didn't count how many days) I got a package of tomato seeds and soil from school.
I planted it when I came home.
I had a memory of a poor, innocent tomato dead because I knocked the box, so I put it in a place that I could not knock over when I walk past. Also, researched 'How to grow Tomatoes' in the internet. (Oh This proves that in the debate, internet is useful. YAY FOR OPPOSITION!)
I planted two in one hole, two in another hole, and one that fell down and that I found on the soil. (Like the pic below)
One day later
I checked the tomato. No green.
Two days later
I checked the tomato. No green.
Three days later. I checked the tomato. STILL no green.
Five days later.
I checked the tomato. No green. BUT a root!! YAY!!
I guess the fellows(?) under the soil is doing the same too^^
Six days later. NO green. But, a longer root!! YAY!!!
(P.S. The day I am writing this blog is 'six days' later^^)
I hope the tomatoes grow safely^^
(So I will be able to eat them^^ Don't tell this to the tomatoes^^)

eco-pot, silgwa
I grow tomatoes too!