Hiiiii This is my 3rd blog!
The Baram thingy is the pink panther song.

wow, that face is creepy.
Anyways, there is a trombone(is it?) song and it goes like this:
Baram Baram Baram Baram Baram Baram Baram ~~~~~ Barararam~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Someone who reads this blog and doesn't know pink panther might be surprised. But some Anne Frankians(I made that thing kk) know because Eugene and I always sing it.
I made a dance for it, and Eugene LOVES it. But she keeps on forgetting the exact movement ToT And I always teach her again and she laughs for a million minutes.
The dance goes like this:
Baram(hand movement) Baram(hand movement) BaramBaramBaramBaramBaram(As you say this, turn the total of 360°)~~~ Barararam(turn 360° again)~~~
Which is maybe simple, maybe not. But when you see it, it is simple. But maybe not, since I'm the person who made it so I might not feel the headache 😀
Anyways bye~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ See you all at 2:00 Tuesday!!
fun fact: if you just write the melody, the pink panther and the subway song is same