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Writer: Hailey ChangHailey Chang

Well, if you saw my blog posts, you will know that I wrote about Yellow Cow last time. And today, I'm going to tell a lot more other information about Yellow Cow(There might be some same information).

First, about going into Yellow Cow. You need to see a test to go in(what else is new?) and you get sorted into a level by your test score. I saw the test about like 3 times and got it the last time. WHEW! But maybe that was a natural result because I didn't study when I saw the test, and I got the lowest level in elementary level, which is 'il-poom'. Anyways, not important. There are about 40 questions, and each question is worth 2.5 points. And I think I got a 70 on the last one.

Second, about hearing class. Naturally, there will be 1 teacher teaching you in elementary part, but two in middle-school part. I will explain elementary part first. When you go into class, you submit your homework and note-taking notebook on the teacher's desk. Then, just wait. And wait. And wait. Until class starts. After class starts, except for the first class, you will see a thing called 'Quick-test'. It's only 4 questions, so 4 points is the maximum you can get. Next, real class will start. If you start a new unit, you'll hear the basic concepts. You need to write every single details written on the board. Then, you'll do the gae-nyum-tam-goo, and after 5 minutes, the teacher will tell you the answer and the way to solve it. Same for the yae-jae too. And ctrl+v for middle school part too.

Third, about level up. There are two big categories in getting leveled-up. First, it's when you just level up in the same part(elementary, middle). There are two conditions for it. The first one is that the mean of your Quick-tests need to get over 3.4. And of course, there is level-down. If you level down, you need to get below 2.5 for something similar to that. The second condition is that you need to get an average that is 83 or above. And leveling down, is 60.

The second category is when you level up in the time when you go to middle from elementary. You have to satisfy at least one condition from below:

- 10 points over cut line

- over average of 3.4 in Quick-test

- over average of 83 in unit test

..... and much more I can't remember.

Also, there is one more condition: you need to get over the cut line of the level higher than you.

WHEW!!!!! It took me one hour to write this. I hope this helped you much and have a nice day!

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I have no idea what you guys are all doing except for a few people… can you guys all write in the comments what class you are in right...

Hi wix

(lol visited almost by 2 years this site is dead OoO) hiii i am studying grammar for class byeeee


Anna Kim
Anna Kim
Apr 24, 2021

Hey I was il-poom too!!!

I've got to post about it ^^

Anna Kim
Anna Kim
Apr 25, 2021
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Wait no I shouldn't


Hailey Chang
Hailey Chang
Apr 24, 2021

fixed it

Apr 25, 2021
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Apr 24, 2021

kkk The fun part is that you wrote that you will talk about elementary first and you never wrote about middle school

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