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Our school got a Covid Patient!

Writer: sja101208sja101208

Many of you guys won’t know this. (Well, some of you will.) Well, here’s the news:

Me: My school got a Covid Patient! Ahhhhhh!

You: OK…… So what?

Me: Well, isn’t it a terrible thing?

You: Yeah, but we already experienced it.

Me: ….

So, this is today’s topic. My school has a Covid Patient.

The case starts when I wake up to go to school. My mom told me that I don’t need to go to school that day because somebody in first or second grade has a Covid patient as his/her family. Then, the school told her that I need to go to school because it is a different grade, and the time doesn’t really match. This is the part where it is very confusing. First and second grade come to school everyday. So, fifth graders, third graders, second graders, first graders, sixth graders, fourth graders, and the teachers all use the same stairs and the same cafeteria. (It opened last Monday). Then, isn’t there a chance that somebody else in a different grade can be positive for Covid? Anyways, the school said to come, so I went to school. Our teacher said that the first grade child is waiting for results.

Today (Monday)is when we do Zoom. Today, the teacher said that the kid got positive, so the first and second graders (They use the same floor) are doing a zoom today. However, the scary thing is this: The Covid patient’s classroom is 1-1. And there is a girl who has a sister who is in 1-1. That means that she could’ve got Covid, and if that is true, I could’ve got Covid. Also, there are many of my classmates who have second graders as brothers or sisters. I hope they all get negative.

So this was what happened in my school, and I was so scared. Hope your school doesn't have a Covid Patient, and have a safe day! See ya!

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I have no idea what you guys are all doing except for a few people… can you guys all write in the comments what class you are in right...

Hi wix

(lol visited almost by 2 years this site is dead OoO) hiii i am studying grammar for class byeeee


May 11, 2021

who is 철철철



Sarah Go
Sarah Go
May 10, 2021

gosh Ours got 16!


Unknown member
May 10, 2021

Hope my school gets a Covid patient. I'd like to stay at home and play Among Us. I hate middle school.

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