In case you forgot!
Percy: Son of Poseidon. Annabeth: Half-Blood of Athena (Daughter X. Came out from Athena’s head). Grover: Satyr
<Percy Jackson>
The story starts as he comes to Half-Blood camp, after a big fight with the monster and losing his mom. As he came to the camp, he was in cabin 11. which meant the half-blood of Hermes. Cabin 11. was the place where half-bloods who are undetermined who is the god that has the same blood as them. He was not chosen yet when the camp started to do a fight that was simple.
You get the other team’s flag, you win. Percy was the one who was chosen to search and get the flag, and he found it after some time had passed. However, there was a girl named “Annabeth”, and she was protecting the flag. They fought cruelly, but the winner was Annabeth. Percy had just come to the camp, and Annabeth had lived her life long in the camp. Percy was about to surrender when his hand touched the water(river). He suddenly felt a burst of power, and after some movements, he surrendered to Annabeth.
The crowd gasped and murmured, as the head-leader of the camp, Chiron, came out. Chiron announced Percy, as the son of Poseidon. He moved to cabin 3. and started his lonely life. His camp life was not so great to him until Chiron made him find the weapon of Jesus (thunder thingy). He was accused of stealing it since Poseidon and Jeus were not in a good relationship.
He started his journey with Grover and Annabeth. (And the Loveline started.Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ><) There were a lot of hard times in the journey (probably most of the time). Anyways, as the journey continued, he found his mom and found the lightning bolt which pleased Jeus. *The lightning bolt was stoled by Luke who was a friend with him at Camp-Half blood. Jeus asked Percy for immunity, and Percy declined.. because (he love Annabeth Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ><)
I like this story because of one reason. It is different from other Greek fiction. Usually, the main character is about Jeus, and Percy is not. In fact, he is the enemy of Jeus which made this more interesting. I recommend this book series, but I personally like the Roma version more than the Greek.

Wasn't it a novel???
I didn't read this book yet..TOT
hem hem kkk ahhhhhhhhhh ><
is so funny lol