Before 1 week and 3 days, I went to the Picasso Art Gallery.
I kinda medium soso seeing paintings, because they are boring and people walk to slow.
It's so a mistery to me why people walk ordinarily or run outside the room, but when they go inside, they turn into snails. ARGH a snail is faster than people there. Anyways, I went there with my mom. My mom was lecturing(Torturing) me like "Art makes you have great ideas blah blah blah I am so happy to see the Picasso pics blah blah blah You can only see them at France you know blah blah blah"
So, I went there and the man there said to wait 20 MINUTES (Thank goodness it is not 20 hours) so we went to the shop. That was the only good thing there. Yay! I bought a pidgin badge, but it is too sharp so I can't wear it ToT (Me: Shopkeeper gimme my money back!! I used my stupid money to buy a badge I can't even wear!! Shopkeeper: Well it's not my fault you picked it) So, I went inside the gallery with excited and lecturing mom. She kept whispering to me, "Hey this is the ____ that he drew! Isn't it so beautiful? I can't believe this came out from a human's head!"
So, finally, I quit looking at the boring pictures.
Instead, I started drifting off to the imaginary land~! Yay!
While my mom was dragging me around and lecture-whispering, I imagined stuff like this.
What would have happened if Picasso's IQ was 0?
I wanna go to Hogwarts;;;
I miss ice-skating with Ashley
I wanna eat cupcakes
Why can't I do my phone and do games inside the art gallery
I wanna curl up in my bed and sleep
While I was imagining ways to make Voldemort die when I was Harry Potter like
Avocado Kedavra or Asparagus KendraDumbledore or torturing him with mom's "WHY DIDN'T YA CLEAN YOUR ROOM WHY DON'T YOU EAT VEGETABLES WHY DON'T YOU BE KIND WHY DON'T YOU BLAHBLAHBLAH, I saw the end of the Art Gallery!! YAAAAAAAAYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! When we went out, mom asked me a question.
"What do you think about Picasso?"
UUUUUUHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH Seriously mom I never saw the pictures except the pictures of you dragging me our of the Art Gallery(YAY)that was in my head.
I scream-ordered my brain cells to "HEY BRAIN CELLS CALL BACK ALL KNOWLEDGES AND MEMORIES YOU HAVE OF PABLO PICASSO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Thankfully, my brain cells sensed emergency, and did what I said to, so my mom still thinks I enjoyed art museum of Picasso until some day she just types any link for fun in google and sees my blog when she typed in ToT
