There is a rainbow in my house.
It only appears on a sunny day.
For real!!
Not a big rainbow, but a small rainbow. It always appears on the same place; the floor and the side of my bed.
The rainbow has red, dark orange, pink(?), green, tangerine yellow, mint, blue, and bluish purple.
It's beautiful sometimes and it's small sometimes and it's colorless sometimes.
The rainbow you know is likely to be spot at the sky.
But this rainbow is good enough.
I'm glad I chose this room when my family moved into this house years ago.
I sometimes put a blue paper on the floor and it looks like the sky.
So if you have a room or a house that has a rainbow or other spectacular thing, please leave a comment!!!!

Hey there are rainbows in Peai stairs, too!
Yeah I thought about that too
But you know, why do you keep on posting blogs that aren't up to 200 words? It says in the homework to be at least 200 words, and it is only 134!!
Nice room!