I think this was one of the most stupid days you could ever experience especially when you and one of your friends are really like BFF’s. Like it was maybe a wast of time.
So it was in June 10th when we both went to school. Well it was a really stupid thing to fight about but we fought about who was a greater best friend to other people. So in break we went to our friends home room and called them out and asked them who was the better friends to vote. We actually made a graph and let the friends vote for us. Well it all ended out of getting a tie and we were both the same together.
One of the really cool things that happen about me and my friends happen is after we do something really stupid together we laugh and we stop the act Ike nothing ever happened. Some of the kids that are around us looks at us like what are you guys doing face and looks at us like we are really weird.
but, one of the things i don’t really like about this friend si that she does not know how to swim and it’s really a sad thing for me because i really like swimming and i prefer more of an athletic friend not like lazy friend but all the peak friends are great but my school friend Is not fun. And guess what? She doesn’t like P.E. I mean some times i get it but why. Well personally sometimes i go to school because i want to meet my friends and have P.E. classes. But, i still like my friend. I think she is one of the best friend anyone can have.

Doesn't like talking=lazy? kkkkzzzzz