We started to go every day because of with-covid and I hate it. It was fine for me to go to school for 2 days until I knew I had to go tomorrow. We usually went two days a week, and to go 5 days a week made our health worse. Plus, the Tball competition was happening in the first week of going to school every day.
Anyways, I have nothing big happening except the Tball competition, so I will write about it. I and the other girls in my class think that our class’s boys are not that good at sports. And I agree. To say truthfully, our class is not good at sports, but we have the strongest competitive spirit (I think).
So, now I am going to say about the competition with class 2.
(Class 2. is where Anne & Joyce is)
I was in a good mood while the competition, so I was at the front of the defense line. About defense, I just grabbed the ball and ran to the 2nd base. That was how the defense of us finished, and my class started attacking. I was not that good for attacking so I made 1 point. The result was that my class won as everybody knows, but (the boys did nothing).
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