I am so happy that now it is with korona and we can go to school every day. Actually, many of my friends hate going to school but I do.
So I went to school last week and on Friday we had art and it was really fun. We made a figure for each and filled that on the paper and I was almost the last one to finish it because I did a very hard figure and because we also had to color it and in mine, there were many parts to color. In the coloring session, I thought my friend was a genius because I was getting bored coloring the same thing and because I had no other idea for coloring. And my friend told me to give me my drawing and she gave me hers. I thought this was a really good idea because she said to color hers so that the other parts could look different and look special. It was fun again so I was happy again.
Mine turned out to have rainbow coordination so it had warm colors on the top and cold colors on the bottom so it looked really pretty. My boy best friend had the same coordination because he thought me and my friend’s idea was really good. My friend’s drawing was the opposite so she had cold colors on the top and warm colors on the bottom. And when we hung it up on the whiteboard it looked really pretty because it looked like one drawing when there were two.