Short Debates on Motions that I actually want to use.
1. THW Ban Electric Kickboards.
Team Government: Electric Kickboards are used a lot in today’s society. Because of this reason, many people are getting hurt and injured. Also, in the news, there are a lot of talks about electric kickboards, whether they should be banned or not. I think that we should ban these. It says often, “Use a helmet”. But many people, most people ignore this and just ride it.
Team Opposition: On this Point Ma’am!
Team Government: Okay.
Team Opposition: There are these “Helmets”, and also, they are not very clean. There might be dirty marks on, or it might stink because people might smoke while riding it.
Team Government: Yes, that is true. However, people might bring helmets often, and that will help people. Anyways, back to my point. And if people don’t ride electric Kickboards, it would be safer. That is what leads to most of the accidents. If the government actually uses this law, then people would be more safe.
Team Opposition: Point!
Team Government: Yes.
Team Opposition: But if the government bans this, wouldn’t people be more in danger because they will try to ride it secretly.
Team Government: But people won’t, there will be CCTV Cameras all over the place, and they would have to pay money. Thank You for listening to my speech.
2. THBT Santa Claus is real.
Team Opposition: What do you think of when I say the word, “Christmas”? Presents? Or Snowmans? But most of you think of Santa Claus. Didn’t most adults say “Santa Claus is real” until you were in elementary school? That is right. But as you all know, Santa Claus is fake. It is just an old man who pasted a white beard in his mouth, is super fat, and has red clothes.
Team Government: On that Point Ma’am. Look at these pictures, do you still not change your thoughts?

This proves that Santa is real. And this picture with the mask- it proves that he is still living. Also, there is a phone number of Santa Claus, which is “(951) 262-3062”.
Team Opposition: Yes. But if you search on the internet, you can see a lot of pictures of Santa. But now, you can see that they are all different people. And that picture with that baby- that is just a disguise. Back to my point. Santa is fake. Mostly because there is no evidence that he or she even lived. Also, how could Santa possibly go through the whole Earth in one day? He has to go to at least 2 billion houses in only 9 hours. That is why THBT Santa Claus is not Real. Thank you for listening.
Hi! I want you to comment below about whether you agree or disagree with these 2 topics. And if you want a topic for me to review, please write it too! Bye Bye!!
Did you guys know? Santa Claus is made just because adults want to you to behave well when they're young. Like, "Santa won't give you toy if you do that blah blah!". My parents actually said truely, "Santa Claus isn't real!" in the first place. My friend said that once, she woke up in midnight and saw her mom sneaking inside her room with a present. Of course, her mother intended to say, "Wow! Santa gave you a present!" the next day.
Is that phone number real?!?!?!