I Hate Foot Baseball. I totally hate it. I hate it a lot. Mostly, I don’t hate anything unless it’s a “Hey your life is doomed” sort of thing, but I still hate foot baseball. Most of my friends like it, because they are very good at it. Also, the rules are simple. You kick, run unless it’s a foul, and reach first base. At first, I liked foot baseball too. But after the recent match we did, I hate it.
You might wonder why I am saying “I totally hate it”, but I have a good reason. When it was my turn to kick the ball, I kicked it, and I ran. However, the student on the first base didn’t move, so I shouted “Go!” and she ran. But suddenly, my team shouted “Fly out!” and that’s when I realized that I got Flown out. I was so frustrated. Only a student can kick one time, and I messed up mine. “Well, at least I didn’t mess up the game.” I thought, but I was wrong. I didn’t see what was happening, but somehow the defending team managed to get the ball. And in a second, the whole students who were on first, second, and third base got out. Maybe the defending team had thrown the ball very quickly. Anyways, the point is that I kicked that ball. And now, at that moment, everybody in my team thought (and said, even though they said it like a whisper, I heard it. I can hear disturbing noises really well.) I made our team lose. And that was really true because I heard one of the other team students calling me I---t. Anyways, feeling depressed, I came home, and my mom said to practice kicking balls. So today, I went to kick the soccer ball.
My family went to the Han river and practiced kicking. As my dad is good at kicking, he taught me how to kick well. He said something about placing my left foot next to the left side of the ball, and from far away, positioning my right foot to kick inside. Then, I kick as I sing my arms. It sounded easy, but it isn’t. Of many “running in the sunlight to fetch the ball” and “Kicking to the wrong place”, I finally got the feeling. Anyways, the thing I managed today is to kick inside and make the ball lift. It was hard, but it was fun. I hope I can do it again.
(Wow! 418 words!) So, this was the story of the soccer ball (Yey!) and the foot baseball (boo). Hope you have a good day, Bye!!!!
P.S: A tip from my mom. Don’t try to lift the ball high. Try to lift the ball, but a little. Aim the ball to their calf, where it is hard to catch.
P.S.: I got a muscle ache from kicking too much…. Owwwww.

Our team won~ 13 to 1. kkk
I love foot baseball. I love baseball.