So.. Sophia also wrote about T ball competition going on in our school. I am in the same school as her, so we pretty much do the same thing. This T ball competition is a part of P. E and every 5th grader in our school has to participate.
Today was the first day of the T ball competition. Since today was suneung day, our first class started at 9:50 and we started with P. E, which was the T ball competiton. We were supposed to compete with class 6, but I didn't get to participate in the game because I had a headache. The girls went first; our class had very few girls, so we all thought we were going to lose, but many of them scored full points(4 points). We got 16 from our class and 11 points from class 6. But the boys in our class was very messy as usual. I really wanted our class to win, so I told all the boys in my class to either win or perish. But some of them were still very loud and wasn't concentrated on the game. One of them actually ran to the other side of the field- we got minus 2 points for that. I thought he didn't do it on purpose, but after the game, he told me a guy from class 6 paid him to lose on purpose. I was really going to tell him off but it turned out to be a joke. I still turned him in and he recieved punishment of a lap around the field for not taking the game seriously.
In our team, they boys scored 6 points, while class 6 scored 8. So.. we won. We got 22 points in total and the other team got 19 points... I think. I was really happy that our class won, and was hoping to win the next class, too.

Joyce: We won by 21:18
Anne (same class as Joyce):We won by 22:19
Sophia: no comment
Yejun: We won
Joyce wrote about this in her blog site too!!!