Some of you might know what the day I wrote on the top is. If you thought of Children's Day, you're correct!! 3 days before was Children's Day(today is 5/8), and it was just heaven. There can't be another heaven like that. I'll tell you a bit more in detail below.
First, I got to watch television for the whole morning(about 3 hours). I flipped through the channels and watched the programs I couldn't see because I didn't have time before. Well, it might sound like a long time, but is wasn't. Many of you will know that time goes slow when you study, and goes fast when you play. Because of that theory(?), 3 hours felt like 10 minutes. Still, it was great, and I hope I could watch television for 3 hours again someday.
Second, we went out and went to a restaurant(P.S. There was nobody except us!!!! So don't freak out that I went to a restaurant in a time with a pandemic.). There is only one thing to say about it. IT WAS SO DELICIOUS OH MY GOD. It's that much. It took about 1 hour or so to go there, but pushing food in my mouth really helped waking me up. After we went out, we went to a convenience store and buyed a nice ice-cream and trotted away to our car.
Third, I got a present. YAY!!!! Few of you might thought why I wasn't explaining about the present I got, and here I am, explaining that. Anyways, the present I got was slime, which was really soft and not sticky(P.S.S. I showed Lauren a really sticky slime in zoom, and she said to put some stuff in there, but I couldn't find it so I just threw it away and buyed a new one.). I was really excited and played it for 2 hours, and it got hard so I put in some stuff and it got soft again.
I hope this blog post was fun and happy weekends!!!

It looks something like that.
don't think so?
Is that pic really you or not??