Hello! It's now May(time flies so fast).
There are a lot of files in google docs right now. Oh, and how much? So much that it's hard for me to find the right file I need. Also, my MBTI is ESTJ(P.S. Can you write your MBTI in the comment please?). Therefore, I like organizing things. Maybe that's the reason why I made the PT1 link share, to find the right file. Now, why are all these kinds of stuff coming out, and what's connected with my topic? Well, I go into the 'Chats for PT1' file sometimes. There is the birthday there. Many people's birthday is in May, and Rachel left a comment on May birthdays: Coming Soon! As you know, my birthday is December 13th, 5 days later than Daniel(Yay for Daniel who is not the youngest). My birthday is always the latest in my elementary school, 5th-grade PEAI, and 4th-grade PEAI. I sometimes wish my birthday was 7 months faster.
<Why I hate my birthday>
It's too late
And I want a faster birthday
I have to wait till the end of the year for my birthday.
I want to be the same birthday month with my friends
I don't want to be almost a year younger than my best friend (HER birthday is January 5th wow)
I want my presents faster
I am shorter and smaller(width) than most of the other 5th graders
I want to be the same birthday as my cat
And he was born at May 30th
December birthdays are too cold to play outdoors
<Why I love my birthday>
My birthday is super close with my mom
And I love my mom
My birthday is a little close to my dad
And I love my dad
My birthday is also close to Christmas
Which means more presents for me!
Though is cold outside, I can make snowmans if it snows(and it did last year)
I can enjoy the warmth indoors
I can be shorter(Maybe there might be an advantage!)
I can still be celebrated in my birthday even though it's late
Late Happy birthdays to Sarah and Violet, and Early Happy Birthdays to Rachel, Seoin, and Hailey! I will see you today(May 11th) and celebrate your b
irthdays at PEAI.
Also, I can't bring presents because I don't have money, but if I have time, I will bring you a card, though might not today...😑
Have a wonderful day!!!!

I am ESFJ!