Our PT1 classmates know each other very well by now. There are friends I have met since 2nd grade, which is the lowest grade in Peai. But many do not know how we all met each other, especially our new classmates in 2021- Violet and Lauren.
How I met Rachel is like a story(episode), because it is very interesting. Hailey and I only know about it, because Hailey and Rachel are the only ones I met at 2nd grade. Anyways, back to the point. First, I went for make-up class to Rachel’s class, where only Rachel was the girl. Rachel really greeted me, so I was kind of surprised- I wasn’t that kind who would shake hands with a person meeting the first time. But Rachel was the opposite. I was stunned and did not talk a lot during the makeup class. And then one day, Rachel came for make-up class to our(Hailey and my) class. She was happy(thrilled) to see that there were only girls in our class. Everyone in my class was like, “Rachel, come to our class RIGHT NOW AT THIS MOMENT!”. So, she came, and is a ~T1 member until now!
2. Hailey
Hailey and I met at first, so when I came into peai, there was Hailey in our class. There was a girl called Ivie, and Bella, and Lily… They all leveled up. I never changed my class, and I think Hailey too~. I came to Peai when it was Autumn, and Hailey was in Peai for the first time.
3. Emily
Emily and Rachel and Hailey and I all met at 3rd grade, Mr. Yong’s class. I think that Emily came to Peai when she was in 2nd grade. There’s not much story with Emily, just that she was a great friend from the first time and still is!
4. Sarah
We met Sarah in 3rd grade, too. There was… some problem(hardship) with Sarah and us. I will not say very specifically. We had a moment where we were not very close to Sarah… Don’t misunderstand, we were all friends! But kind of… weird moments. But now, we understand each other really well, and we are VERY close friends!
5. Daniel
We met Daniel in 4th grade! Some will not know, but Daniel was not the only boy at first. There was a boy named Colin. He is not very popular in this class- haha. Colin and Daniel have two opposite personalities. Colin… was very boyish. I’m not saying that Daniel is girlish. Daniel is a very understanding and nice friend! And Colin is not a bad friend, but still, he was strange.
6. Sophia
Sophia, Rachel, and I have an episode, too. Sophia and us(R and S) met in the mock trial intensive with Ms. Linda. We are always thrilled to see Ms. Linda, even though she doesn’t look as though she remembers us. We were very surprised when we found Sophia in Mr. Michael’s class! A lucky coincidence!
7. Eugene
Eugene and I are school friends. We were same class in 3rd grade. She is GREAT at drawing, and I am very sad(sorrowful) that many did not see her skills. Because Mr. Michael allowed us to draw on the board anytime, Eugene could draw a Board-size bird. I loved her bird the most! I always made her draw her magnificent drawings that always brung a gasp to me. I hope she didn’t forget her drawing skills :-). Let us all greet Eugene when she comes back! She was greatly missed.
8. Violet, Anna, Lauren
New students are always welcome to Anne Frank! Anna was a great friend that will always be recalled. She was an awesome Reply! And an awesome student of the month, too. I hope she knows that everyone will love to see her face again sometime. Also, Violet Lauren are great friends and will always be!
I hope you found my blog entertaining! Bye for now~

I came to Peai at 3rd grade and when I came, Ivie was there. Rachel and Ivie were best friends you know and the 'Ghost seat;' (I dont remember specifically) was there kk
And I think many of us don't remember, but there was Noah and Klaus too
To All Friends I have/had at Peai
I never had an academy this entertaining. Peai has been an important part of my life. I love contacting you, and being friends with you. Even if we lost some in the way, I know you miss us, and we miss you too (Not Colin) And you were great friends too (Not colin) Thanks for a good time!
I came to PEAI since I was 2nd grade...!