{I've kind of realized that it's fun to write a poem about a book that most of the people didn't read, so here I am, writing a poem about the book, "Scythe". I think everyone will not understand this, but, well, you'll find it out later.}
A world with no hunger
No disease
No war
No misery
Have conquered everything
Even death
A road
That humans dream of
That perfect world
That glorious world
A world
That will not appear
A world
That is made with no possibility
When we finally be the one
Who sees the conclusion
We will cry with fury
Whispering that reality is not real
Human have conquered
Human have made
A perfect world
Of perfect life
But humans have lost
One single thing
Just one
With most importance
It is not happiness that they have lost
It is not life
It is not joy
It is not perfection
It is morality
It is humanity

You're getting good at these poems!