Uhhh Do u remember the girl and cat blog? Well;;; So;;; one of the cats had BABIES! So, I don't know when, but one day, POOF There were kittens!!! FIVE OF THEM!!! Anyways, as other kittens, cats are really cute when they are young, so they are CUTEEEEEEEEEEE But not as Louis (It doesn't include monkey period(?)) kkk
So the cat girl is REALLY HAPPY so she literally plays with them EVERYDAY
I once saw them too. See, cats are active at nights. I went out to jump rope at 9:00, and I saw them! Aww! They were playing at the bushes. STRANGE THINGS HAPPEN FROM NOW
I just crouched down and said Hello, no. EVEN BEFORE I CAN SAY THE LETTER O, a ginger one ran to me! Aww!!! But... it just came because it wanted to play with the jump rope I had;;; Anyways, I wanted to pet it, but Mom was like...
"DON'T TOUCH ITTTTTTTTTT!!!!!!!!!!!!! ITS DIRTY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IMAGINE!!!!! IT DIDN'T WASH FOR MONTHS AFTER IT WAS BORN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
So,,, I didn't.
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Anyways Bai!
