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Things and Stuff

Writer's picture: Seoin LimSeoin Lim

Hi, today I'm going to talk about things and stuff.

No, not things and stuff.

I'm going to talk about our class's favorite songs, movements, and words.


  1. 2002: Like, the whole class memorized the whole lyrics. Maybe not ALLLLLLL, but definitely me and Rachel and other ppl.

  2. Count on me: I dunno why it got famous in our class, but I individually think that it comforted us when Mr. Brad was teaching us.

  3. Trampoline: This got popular in our class recently, when I wrote Trampoline on the board in the song list.


  1. Dabs: I think we do a lot of dabs for no reason.

  2. Violet Dance: Violet always makes some kind of a new movement, which makes everyone, including Mr. Patrick, follow her.

  3. Mustache: Mr. Patrick started this to check who's not concentrating, but recently it just became some kind of a joke when you're bored and you're waiting for others to finish the test.


  1. Supercabbagefragilelipstickifhehellodosauce: Most definitely an Anne Frank word.

  2. Anne Frankians: I don't know if others like it, but I made it and I think it's good...?

  3. Things and stuff: this is actually the title but Mr. Patrick says this all the time!!

This blog might be boring to ppl like Rachel because she already knows all this. ToT

But you know what? I'm going to write another blog!!! So I don't mind :)

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I have no idea what you guys are all doing except for a few people… can you guys all write in the comments what class you are in right...

Hi wix

(lol visited almost by 2 years this site is dead OoO) hiii i am studying grammar for class byeeee

3 comentarios

18 dic 2021

yayyy one more Seoin blog!! lol

I also don't know why Count on me went super popular in our class and suddenly everyone is singing it kkk

P.S. I also like 'Annefrankians' sounds fancy kk

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19 dic 2021
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Mr.Patrick asked Lauren, (when all of us were outside the classroom in break time), what song she wants to hear, and she said Count on Me which led it to be famous :-)

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