What do you guys miss the most? I guess it is playing outside, going out with your family, and etc. However, although I DO miss those too, what I miss the most is very different. It is my 2 year-old dog, Champ.
A little before the Corona Pandemic made the world into a catastrophe, my family went to my grandparents' house. Of course, we took Champ there, too. Just then, my mom suggested leaving Champ in my grandparents' house for 6 months. She did say that sometimes at home, but I thought it was just a passing-by one. I never dreamed of it coming true-but it did. I remember vividly when I cried whenever I thought of cute little Champ.
Right now, 6 months have passed. However, Champ is still not coming back-because of that darn Covid!!!!!!!! I'm really depressed, and I hope Corona would end quickly.
I wish
-19 ends. (P.S If it wasn't for Covid-19, we wouldn't do the pharmaceutical company debate)
Yeah agree ToT
Yeah, me too. You told us about Champ and even showed us after zoom! Champ is soo cute! I hope he comes soon...
ㅠㅠ Sorry for you Emilyㅠㅠ I totally remember the moment when I saw Champ the first time, and I am begging my parents to buy me a dog too. I think I can see your face crying because you miss that cute little Champ. I hope covid-19 ends fast, and Champ comes back to you. Best wishes!