I will today write about 3 different, short topics!
It’s that my computer is part broken. It’s system, like internet and stuff are not that bad, but even if I sit super close to the wifi, the wifi is bad. Second, when I do zoom, it will glitch a lot. (I’m saying this because we will do zoom soon). And for me, zoom just sometimes go completely black for like, MINUTES. So that’s why in zoom, please don’t mind that;;; Third, my computer is broken at the outside part. This is a picture of my right version,

which is supposed to be like it. But this is the left version,

(btw kinda blurry) the way it SHOULDN’T be. This is looking at it from both sides

(P.S. My mom and dad don’t know this situ) So this whole computer thing happened because of practically the car. I usually bring my computer to PEAI a lot. and when I do it, I usually put it in the car trunk, because there isn’t space to put it unless the trunk. However, I think it got broken by the trunk, when we have the speed-decrease bump thing. I heard a loud, astounding crack sound, and I guess it was the computer cracking or something similar to that.
2. Did anyone notice that the car changed? It used to be a very very very old car, and we changed it in August. This was because we had to ride the car more now, since most of the academies go offline now. My dad was going to buy a K8 KIA car, but he changed it because the person there was so unfriendly and rude. We are riding some Hybrid Hyundai car thing. We also considered buying an electric car, called Tesla I think. But because we didn’t have the charging place in our “community”, we couldn’t buy it. My mom even tried to move our house to Ricenz, where there are charging places, but she said that there aren’t any left places (?) in Ricenz.
3. I ate Pizza-Bread today! We actually made it because today is a “Substitute public holiday” of Korean day, the pizza shop didn’t open, and honestly I hate pizza. So this pizza was kinda different. On normal bread, we put tomato sauce (The one we used for making pasta), ham, corn (sweet corn), onions, paprika, and mushrooms. And also cheese. We put two in the microwave, and two in the air-fryer. The process is simple.
First, on bread, spread the sauce.

Second, put any type of toppings you like. (Pineapples will be better too, but they weren’t selling pineapples)

Third, put cheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeese (cherry tofu dumpling I miss Hailey TOTOTOTOTOTOTOOTOOTOTOT BreakiNews: I got a mail from Hailey so I was astounded, but it was from another Hailey from a site called “LINER”. P.S. DON’T USE LINER. LINER uses so many ads.)

(me making pizza)

My face hidden because of privacy (kk)
Last, put your bread in either microwave or air-fryer, looking at how much it melts. (I did 1 minute and 30 secs for microwave and 6 minutes for Air-fryer but it will depend on your device) Anyways, it was delicious😋!

P.S. I got to know a song called “Sugar” from Maroon 5 because of the Tinikling music that was on the E-school on Last Friday. Sugar~~ yes please~~~
Would you come and put it down on me~~~~
I'm right here, because I need~~
Little love, a little sympathy~~
I will add Skill focus: formal tone - avoid the following:
Partial sentences
Ellipses (dot-dot-dot)
Starting a sentence with FANBOYS
Filler words
Later Bye!~
We changed our car in August too OMG
I ate Papa Jones yesterday kkkkk